Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Welcome to the Portal of the Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership.

Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership (HKZCP) is a partnership of public and cross-sector stakeholders for low or zero carbon buildings, which was launched in January 2015. The HKZCP is part of a research project entitled “Hong Kong Zero Carbon Building Partnership for Enhancing Public and Stakeholder Engagement” led by The University of Hong Kong and funded by the Construction Industry Council to enhance the public and stakeholder engagement in delivering low or zero carbon buildings.

In Hong Kong, buildings contribute to over 90% of the electricity use and 60% of the carbon emissions in the city, which are far higher than the world averages. Addressing the challenges requires adoption of socio-technical solutions engaging the whole society and industry. The HKZCP functions as a mechanism to bridge the links between the public and many stakeholder groups in Hong Kong and beyond.

The portal provides a platform to share knowledge of and experience in reducing building energy use and carbon emissions, aiming for a world-class knowledge-based, innovation-driven and multi-stakeholder-engaged hub for low or zero carbon building. I hope you will find the portal useful and informative.

Your participation in the portal and the HKZCP is most welcome.

Dr Wei PAN

Project Director

Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership