Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm, Friday 16 October 2015
Location: Wang Gungwu Theatre, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong
Co-organised by: Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development (CICID) of The University of Hong Kong, Construction Industry Council (CIC), Zero Carbon Building (ZCB)
The zero carbon building approach has been adopted in many countries and regions as a government strategy for addressing climate change. However, how stakeholders can work in partnership for delivering zero carbon buildings remains a socio-technical challenge. The Construction Industry Council has funded a research project led by The University of Hong Kong to establish a Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership for enhancing public and stakeholder engagement. This project aims to help position Hong Kong as a world-class knowledge-based, innovation-driven and multi-stakeholder-engaged hub for zero carbon building in urban environments. In this research zero carbon buildings are interpreted as complex socio-technical systems that embrace low or zero carbon products, innovative processes and multiple stakeholders. A portal is being developed with real-time measurement and monitoring of Hong Kong’s public and stakeholders’ understanding, attitude and behaviour regarding zero carbon building. This event will feature renowned international and local speakers to share state-of-the-art research and development in the area of zero carbon buildings.
Event Rundown
8:30 - 9:00am | Registration |
9:00 - 9:10 | Welcome RemarksProf Norman C. Tien, Dean of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong |
9:10 – 9:20 | Opening SpeechIr Prof C.K. Mak, Vice Chairman, CICID, The University of Hong Kong |
9:20 - 9:30 | Photo Session |
9:30 – 9:50 | Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership: Prospect and ProgressDr Wei Pan, Associate Director, CICID, The University of Hong Kong |
9:50 - 10:30 | CIC-ZCB Public Lecture Socio-Technical Systems of Net-ZeroProf Raymond Cole, University of British Columbia, Canada |
10:30 – 10:50 | Refreshments |
10:50 – 11:30 | CIC-ZCB Public LectureSimulating High-rise Building Energy Performance: Modelling and BehavioursProf Godfried Augenbroe, Georgia Institute of Technology, US |
11:30 – 12:00 | Strategies for Decarbonizing High-Rise Buildings in Hong KongMr. Joel Chan, Director, P&T Group |
12:00 - 12:20 | Plenary SessionAll invited speakers; Moderator: Ir Julian Lee, Construction Industry Council |
12:20 – 12:30pm | Closing Remarks |
Dress code: smart casual.
Registration of Seminar
Attending this seminar is FREE, but advanced online registration is required on the first-come first-served basis via https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=39032
where further information is also available. For enquiry on this seminar, please contact Ms. Ruby Kwok ([email protected], +852 2219 4986) or Dr. Pingying Lin ([email protected]) of Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.
Deadline of registration: 12 October 2015.
Joining Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership www.hkzcp.org
Should you be interested to join the Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership, please visit https://www.hkzcp.org/about-us/join-us/, or contact Dr. Wei Pan of Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong at [email protected], +852 2859 2671.