International Seminar: Technology and Innovation for Zero Carbon Building

Time: 1:30pm – 5:30pm, Wednesday 14 December 2016 The event will feature renowned international and local speakers to share the state-of-the-art technology and innovation for low or zero carbon buildings, and enable a continuous dialogue on our journey towards zero carbon and sustainability.

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Seminar: Systems Zero Carbon Building: Policy and Partnership

Time: 1:30pm – 5:30pm, Thursday 28 April 2016 This event is part of two research projects: Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership funded by the Construction Industry Council (CIC), and Hong Kong Zero Carbon Building Public Policy Research funded by the Central Policy Unit (CPU) of the HKSAR Government.

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Workshop: Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Zero Carbon Buildings

Time: 2:00pm – 5:15pm, Thursday 21 January 2016 This event will feature renowned international and local speakers to share how stakeholders can work in partnership effectively for building towards zero carbon and zero energy, and enable discussion on the knowledge, attitude and behavior of zero carbon buildings.

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Hong Kong Zero Carbon Partnership

It is a group of public and cross-sector stakeholders for zero carbon buildings which was established in 2015. It was carried out as a project (Hong Kong ‘Zero Carbon Building Partnership’ for Enhancing Public and Stakeholder Engagement) lead by the University of Hong Kong, funded by Construction Industry Council (CIC) to enhance the public and stakeholder engagement in delivering the zero carbon buildings.

Latest Publications

Reports and proceedings for each event have been published accordingly.

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Event Photos

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